Safe Abortion Using pills to all,
call us now on 0822375064 all from R300
A woman who cannot decide for herself when and whether to have a child is not free. “Forced motherhood is female enslavement”. And when women half of humanity are not free, then no one is free! Having an unwanted pregnancy is quite common, and many of the women choose to have an abortion because of various reasons.
Some of the reasons are;
They want to be the best parent possible to children they already have
They are not emotionally or financially ready to be parents
- They want to finish school or achieve other goals before becoming parents
- They are in abusive relationships
- They are not in a relationship with a person they want to have a baby with
- The pregnancy can be dangerous for their life.
That is medical abortion?
Medical Abortion Procedure is a form of early abortion caused by the using combination of two medications, in order to end a pregnancy
This type of abortion is mostly preferred by women who are still in the early stage of the pregnancy and would prefer to have the whole process done in the comfort of their homes without any complications. call us or what’s app now and get help on 0822375064.